Dental Implant

In Germantown, MD

AFFORDABLE Dental Implant

Treatment Prices in Germantown

A dental implant is a device that fills a hole in the dentition when a tooth is missing. The benefits of placing an implant are multiple: in addition to regaining normal chewing, the patient generally finds the pleasure of smiling with all his teeth. The placement of this implant requires a small surgical intervention which does not involve any major risk. Our dental health centers, specializing in implantology and cosmetic dental surgery, provide you with the best guarantees of safety and performance, thanks to very strict hygiene procedures and advanced technologies.

Dental Implant
Dental Implant Treatment
Dental Implant Service

What Is A Dental Implant?

The dental implant is used to replace one or more missing teeth, while keeping healthy teeth nearby. This is an artificial root that will allow the dental crown or prosthesis to attach. The placement of the implant is therefore not an end in itself, since it must be completed by a prosthesis which will cover it. It is this prosthesis that will take on the appearance of a real tooth. In fact, this is illustrated by the implant which is in the form of a screw generally made of titanium or zirconia. The quality of this device normally allows the patient to never have to change implant once it has been placed.

In Which Cases Can You Consider The Placement Of A Dental Implant?

The dental implant is intended for people who have lost one or more teeth after a dislocation or an extraction, following a cavity for example. The surgical operation that allows the placement of implants can be performed on individuals who have finished their jaw bone growth, which occurs between 17 and 18 years. There is no particular age limit to perform the operation, the whole being to be in a good general state of health.

How Is The Surgery For The Placement Of A Dental Implant?

Before any surgery, the practitioner assesses the patient’s oral health in order to be able to offer him the most suitable solution. The practitioner performs a clinical examination and often complemented by radioof dentition. To provide you with quality services, our centers are equipped with cutting-edge imaging equipment.

Placing a dental implant is a simple medical procedure, performed under local anesthesia by an implantologist. It takes place in two stages. During the first operation, the dental surgeon incises the gum where the implant will be placed in order to have access to the alveolar bone.

The implant is then screwed in at the root of the tooth. In most cases, the pain following the operation is very mild or non-existent. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed if needed. After a few months of waiting essential for healing, a second operation consists of placing the artificial tooth, a crown, a bridge or a prosthesis.

Are There Any Contraindications To This Dental Implant?

In general, it is necessary to be in a good general state of health and to have as healthy a mouth as possible. There are, in fact, certain contraindications to this Dental Implant surgery in a few specific situations, which require a case-by-case study. Particular attention should, for example, be paid to people with heart problems or diabetes. If you are pregnant, it is best to wait until the end of your pregnancy to have this Dental Implant surgery. Only your dentist will be able to assess the feasibility of this operation with full knowledge of your state of health.

Our dental health centers, specializing in implantology and cosmetic dental surgery, provide you with the best guarantees of safety and performance, thanks to very strict hygiene procedures and advanced technologies.

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